

Total acreage: 6500 m2 Orderer: Aalborg Municipality ArchiMed's role: Counselor to the builder. Responsible for the production of the competition program Period: 2015 On the demand of Aalborg Municipality, ArchiMed produced the competition program for Aalborg East dementia care home. ArchiMed was in charge of process and plan in relation to the execution and ongoing publicity course of the competition process, as well as of user involving processes with relevant operators. The main parts of the competition material consist of simple and operational descriptions of what the dementia care home physically and relating content should entail in order to realize the strategic ambitions. Moreover, function analyses and descriptions, which integrate demands for results, quality expectations, efficient work processes and space optimization in the new dementia care home, are included in the material. The complete content of the competition material is aligned with and quality assured in accordance with evidence based design principles and reference projects. Moreover, ArchiMed has analysed and related the building project to operation economical and organizational aspects of the project. This was done in order to secure conditions for real flexibility and elasticity in the facility, so the architecture is robust to future needs for adjustments to new technologies and changes in clinical procedures for supporting residential thriving and well-being.