CONCEPT PROGRAM FOR HOBRO HEALTH HOUSE ArchiMed has developed a concept program for Mariagerfjord Municipality that forms the basis of decision making for the political assessment of the establishment of a new health house in Hobro, which is to benefit whole Mariagerfjord Municipality. ArchiMed is in charge of the project development, process design, analysis and facilitation of the project until the concept program is finished. The concept program is based on analyses of health – and marked data and involvement of citizens, politicians and public employees, who all whish to create a robust concept that has the preferred effect on the health profile. As parts of the concept program, simple but operational descriptions of what the health house’s physical settings and content should entail to realize the strategic ambitions have been developed. Moreover, a function analysis and – description that integrates for example endpoints into the concept is also part of the concept program. Of cause, all of the program’s content has been tuned to and quality assured in accordance with evidence based design principles and projects of reference.